Content Craftsman


Together we'll find or remind you where your company's heart is, then we can get to the work of figuring out how to best show
it to the world.
Images that do your work justice.
Together we can define your brand's aesthetic and perspective to create images that tell people who you are and what you do.
Don't be fooled. Expensive tools can't replace talent and experience. In partnership with my network of industry professionals, we'll use the right tools, at the right price, for your project.
Images are to editors as words are to writers - useless if they don't know how to tell the story. We will bring your footage to life and even teach it to sing while we're at it.

Digital Tools, Handmade Feel.
I know what you're thinking, because it's my job to know how customers think: "What the hell is a content 'craftsman,' and what kind of pretentious, hipster jerk calls himself one?" Hey! That's me you're talking about! I don't sell packages or service bundles in search of efficiencies of scale, I help my clients reconnect with who they are as a company and diagnose customized tools that meet their unique marketing challenges at the right ROI. We can then make content that lives and breathes and has the power to speak to your customers and build lasting relationships.
I am a pretentious, hipster jerk living in Los Angeles, CA with my wife and dog, Shorty. I grew up in Cincinnati, OH and graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration from The Ohio State University. I took the long way to becoming an entrepreneur, but I've always worked. I'm proud of my work. That's why I put my name on it.
Content Craftsman